Here is a picture of the blue hair extension. There is a little clip at the top that you can use to attach it to your real hair.

Here are a couple of pictures of my hair with the blue extension in it. You can put multiple extensions, too. You can even use different colors for variety.
Those are really cool, nice shade of blue too. Found you on Blogexplosion btw.
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im planning on dying my hair blue soon, and i wanted to thank you for informing me what works, and what does not. good luck with the rest of your mission!
Maybe you can try this on, it seems to be a permanent blue hair dye :
I want to dye my hair blue and I'm gonn atry this soon...
I love that color! Don't the clips show up, though?
Disconnecktie (love your screenname btw), looks to me like Lolane is a Thai beauty brand. That's really ironic because I'm half-Thai and we just came back from Thailand...everyone over there has "normal" hair but I guess they have the best blue hair dye. Who'd've guessed? Pretty cool though! Who needs imports when I'm probably going back to Thailand next year anyway! XD
What brand is the hair clip? I am in Theatre and I just got cast so I can't redye my hair blue but I would love some clips. :)
Hi renthead0505,
Sorry there was no brand in the packaging. The last time I went to the shop I bought them from, they did not have any more for sale :(
Hey lass,
I know it's been two years but I hope this gets to you.
I found something you may find interesting.
When I was very little, I had an adult friend who was like my aunt. She was one of the old-school Siouxie Sioux crowd and used to go out shopping for kid-sized rocker clothes and highlight or dye my hair.
I've been wanting that experience since, but only those extensions look right.
Maybe this is the stuff she used. Best of luck to both of us,
The blue hair hi-lites are awesome. Very sexy. (Can't believe I would ever refer to blue hair as sexy, but it is!)
I guess because their hilites it looks good. If all of the hiar was blue, it would be too Goth...
Hey there! I hope you still read these but, Hot Topic has the same hair extensions for $5.99 (2 in a pack) I thought you might want to check them out. As I know that it can get expensive to buy them from salons.....They can be crimped, curled, and washed they carry a dozen other colors or so too!!!!
Also last time I dyed my hair, I went purple first then blue some weeks later. It seems with the purple on it REALLY helps it stay blue and not so much green!!!! I figure as the color fades, the purple helps cancel the (yellow) in the bleached hair! Hope this helps someone, I love my blue hair!!!!
Crazy colors are making a come back. I remember seeing blue dye back in the 80's but in NYC I am seeing quite a bit again.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Sexy !
I just bought exactly the same clips like yours. And similar to your situation, here they only have a few clips, so i bought them all :P No trademark, either. Trust me, guys, They're completely gorgeous!
If I ever feel the need to go back to blue hair, I would definitely consider the extensions. I have really dark, ethnic hair, so bleaching is a must. Unfortunately, as I learned early on, if you want blue hair you MUST bleach it to WHITE, otherwise as it fades it will turn green. (yellow + blue = green) But you already know this. You should consider a purple with undertones of red, as opposed to straight-up blue. It will fade better, too, if your bleached hair underneath still has some brassiness to it.
Still, very nice extensions. And they're way more versatile.
This is pretty cool. Did you get them from Ebay? I saw some on there that I might get. They had my hair color, but I thought it might be too shiny to look real?
I saw these on ebay and debated buying them. They look great.
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