Jerome Russell's Punky Hair Dye

I bought Jerome Russell's Punky blue hair dye at a Sally Beauty supply shop to see if this will work better than the salon stuff. Unfortunately, I got pretty much the same results. A bit better on the color since it was lighter and looks really blue even if I am standing under the sun. But I got the same problems in terms of it washing off after a few shampoos. It lasted around a week before it turned green. I have resorted to only wearing blue or black shirts at this point coz it keeps staining my clothes.


Anonymous said...

I like purple and red and have the same fading problem. I use punky color because the thicker consistency means less dripping, but here's what I do. I put it on first thing in the morning. I wear disposable latex gloves (from the grocery store cleaning aisle) and dip a comb in the color for hard to reach spots, so that I get even color without having to rub it into my scalp. Less stains that way. I let it sit for 15-30 minutes. Put on new gloves and get the shower going. Rinse your hair as much as you can, then use a shampoo that's for colored hair to wash out a lot of the excess. Let your conditioner sit for a while, and remove your gloves as you use a loofah or scrubbie to wash and scrub where the color has gotten on your skin. Hey, you're supposed to exfoliate regularly anyways, right? Rinse and hop on out. Spray your shower walls with some X-14 to remove the color that got on them, and continue as usual. I find that my color only bleeds the first day (so no white shirts) but gets better after your second shampoo. I touch up my color every week or two, and always do it on the same day of the week so it's a regular part of my schedule. I know that was probably waaay too much, but if it helps.....
Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

As far as Punky color goes it is the most unpredictable color you can use. You can never guarantee how long the vibrant color will last. Your best bet to get maximum color results is to apply punky color to clean uncondioned dry hair. Apply the color and really saturate the hair. Leave the color on until you see a metallic goldish green color appear on the hair. Rinse your hair really well in warm water until the water runs clear.Then rinse your hair in cool water. DO NOT SHAMPOO until the next day. DO NOT LET CONDITIONER SIT ON FRESHLY PUNKYED HAIR.These two things will cause the color to come out faster. That is the best punky advice I can give as a licensed hairdresser.